aponte qual você escolhe
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Do you prefer to live in a house or an apartment? Let’s talk about some of the advantages and disadvantages of both.
When I think about houses I always associate them with space, because they are usually spacious. If you have a big family or maybe you have children I would say that a house would be exactly what you need. Houses have many advantages.
You can have barbecues with your family, you can throw a big party, you can have many pets and so on.
On the other hand, houses take a long time to clean and it is usually very tiring to do so. For most people the effort is worth it. I would say that in Brazil one of the biggest disadvantages of houses is that when compared to apartments, they don’t guarantee you much security.
An apartment is usually smaller than a house but it has many advantages. I have spent a period of my life living in an apartment. The experience was good and I really enjoyed it, especially the security. Apartments are easy to clean because of their size, they are normally small. I do acknowledge that nowadays there are some big apartments, but they are an exception.
Some apartments give you an awesome view of the city or any other landscape. People who do not like apartments say that they limit a lot of things in your life, such as, throwing parties, making noise, having pets and so on.
The point is that both of them have many advantages and disadvantages. I think that if you want to choose the right option for you, it’s necessary to ponder all of the aspects of your life, whether you have a big family or not, where you want to live, how much space you need and so on. It is difficult to say which one is the best because it depends on a lot of stuff, I will give you an example to best illustrate it.
When I lived overseas I realized that apartments had a big advantage over houses and that is the fact that the houses in Europe are usually very old and, therefore, colder. The fact that houses are bigger has an impact on the heating system because it consumes much more oil to make it hotter for a shorter time, whereas apartments need less oil for a longer time.
What about you? Share your opinion with us. Thanks.
(For more information or tutoring in English send us an e-mail: projetoefc@hotmail.com)
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